This quilted table runner is perfect for your autumn decor. Simple buffalo check patchwork gives a homey rustic feel with rich shades of deep antique gold and purple. The colors remind me of autumn wildflowers like asters and goldenrod. The quality cotton fabrics have leaf designs in keeping with the fall theme. A beautiful addition for your home or gifting.
Custom quilting is done by freemotion technique. (hand guided machine stitching, not computer)
Quilted table runners add an inviting touch to your decor. You can use these quilts in various other ways around your home too! Display on an old trunk or chest, on a dresser, over a chair back, in a basket, under a lamp. You can even hang them! (The internet is a great resource for simple hanging ideas.)
At Momma Bears Quilts care is taken to ensure you receive an outstanding product, by using quality workmanship and materials. In purchasing a luxury item, I understand you have chosen to outlay your precious dollars for something extra special. Your satisfaction is important to me!